Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cute Things

I keep meaning to post, but then just collapse at the end of the day on the couch, completely tired and uninspired. This is the result of Jack nixing all naps. In some ways, I feel like my life has been completely turned upside down. I now have 13 solid hours a day to entertain a 2.5 year old. Without a break. I mean, sure, I miss the break, but it's mostly about figuring how to fill our day and not go insane. I'm starting to get more into the groove of it, but it feels like it has been a major change.

In other news, Jack has started to say, "look at me" a lot more now. "Mommy, look at me!" as he spins around on the floor trying to pretend he is ice skating. "Mommy, look at me!"as he flies down his toddler rollercoaster. I think it is pretty adorable that he is starting to become aware of his abilities and needs acknowledgment that he is doing well. Not that he really needs me--he has started to compliment himself on the things he does. "Mommy, I a good singer" is something he says a lot, usually after singing Twinkle Twinkle or some other nursery rhyme.

He has also started to say, "Mommy, talk to me." When he first said this, I was confused and felt guilty, like I wasn't talking to him enough or something. Then I realized that he really meant for me to pretend to be someone and talk to him (like I hold up a stuffed animal and talk to him in silly voices).

So, that's what is going on with us. Lots of not napping going on and talking in silly voices. Don't you wish you were me ;)

1 comment:

K family said...

Many many kudos to you, my dear! Eventually he will go to school ;)