Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Follow Up

Just to follow up on my last post, Jack doesn't actually run into traffic. No one needs to buy me a leash to keep him from getting flattened by a semi. I'm prone to exaggeration occasionally and I was feeling a little snarky when I wrote that last post. Or maybe I was just tired and run down from all of the packing. Anyway, Jack is fine. I never let him loose near streets or cars. I guess I just needed to vent a little about how challenging this stage is. I think that this post by Linda at All and Sundry really puts into words a lot of the frustration I am feeling about this stage: http://www.sundrymourning.com/2009/04/08/monster-babies/.

In other news, the movers come tomorrow. After tomorrow, we will be homeless. Luckily, my parents are kind enough to let us stay with them for the ten days that we are between homes. I think that moving in with Grandpa may be Jack's idea of the perfect living situation. He cries (CRIES, people!) every time my dad leaves. So the next ten days will be a little slice of heaven for the boy.

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